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Here's the Thing Blog
5 Ways to Boost Your Self Care While Preparing for Final Exams
AcademicAlly, LLC: May 8, 2024 AcademicAlly, LLC has dubbed the month of May, “Mayke It Happen”. This is the second of four editions that provides insider tips to end-of-the-year success. By now, you are in the thick of final exams. College students are starting to wind down, and high schoolers are gearing up to begin…
Looking to Reduce Stress About Final Exams? Try These Eleven Study Tips
AcademicAlly, LLC: May 1, 2024 AcademicAlly, LLC has dubbed the month of May, “Mayke It Happen”. This is the first of four editions that provides insider tips to end-of-the-year success. Raise your hand if you are ready for summer! The season of freedom, you know, the one that offers allowances for edible delights like water…
Charisma: The Charming Side of ADHD
AcademicAlly, LLC: April 24, 2024 As AcademicAlly, LLC marks Amazing April, we highlight the many gifts that come with having ADHD. This week, we home in on resilience and grit. According to The Oxford English Dictionary, the word charisma means “compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.” We all know someone who…
The 5 Key Ingredients for Your Child’s Grit and Resilience
AcademicAlly, LLC: April 17, 2024 As AcademicAlly, LLC marks Amazing April, we highlight the many gifts that come with having ADHD. This week, we home in on resilience and grit. When I was growing up, there was a sweet, inspiring song I would sing whenever I fell down: “Pick yourself up dust yourself off, and…
Four Reasons Why Your Child’s Hyperfocus is Advantageous
AcademicAlly, LLC: April 10, 2024 As AcademicAlly, LLC marks Amazing April, we highlight the many gifts that come with having ADHD. This week, we home in on hyperfocus. Baseball is one of America’s favorite pastimes. Played with a bat and ball, the game requires two teams of nine players-ten including a designated hitter. The action…
The Three Main Wiggle-Provoking Scenarios: Tips to Bring Your Student to a Standstill
AcademicAlly, LLC: March 28, 2024 Ants in the pants…nonstop perpetual motion…bounce in the flounce….All of these phrases conjure up images of bodies in motion. No, we are not talking about asteroids, airplanes, or other airborne bodies, we are focusing on those bouncing knees, wandering students, the tapping of a pen on a desk, and the…
Four Gifts That Come with Thinking Outside the Box
AcademicAlly, LLC: April 3, 2024 As AcademicAlly, LLC marks Amazing April, we highlight the many gifts that come with having ADHD. This week, we begin with creativity and thinking outside the box. Justin Timberlake, Simone Biles, Michael Phelps, Adam Levine, Ty Pennington….what do all of these famous people have in common with one another? They…
The ADHD Twister: 7 Game-Changing Routines You Can Use to Help Your Children Bring Order to Their Lives
AcademicAlly, LLC: March 14, 2024 Monday morning, and you are already ten steps behind. The mad dash to pack lunches and get kids out the door has left your head spinning. Grabbing your car keys, you rush to the family room door to enter the garage, but on your way, you step on your daughter’s…
ADHD and the Trouble with Listening: 9 Attention-Grabbing Strategies to Improve Listening
AcademicAlly, LLC: March 7, 2024 Recently, I was speaking with the mother of an elementary-school-age child about his inability to listen. Her arms flailed in the air as she described her daily interactions with her son. “He just…does…not…LISTEN!” The exasperation dripped from every word as she went on to relay that every day after school…
ADHD and the Myth of Defiance: 11 Reasons Why Your Student Isn’t Defiant
AcademicAlly, LLC: March 1, 2024 Living with ADHD has its rewards and challenges. As an academic coach who has worked with neurodivergent students for over 25 years, I have come to appreciate the beauty that is the ADHD mind. These students have a unique perspective that simultaneously frustrates and fascinates their teachers and parents. Why…