1. Executive functioning

2. Organizational skills

3. Study skills

4. Test taking skills

5. Reading comprehension

6. Writing skills

7. Time management

8. Transition to College

1. College admissions consulting

2. Transition to College

3. Academic and executive function coaching

Academic Coach vs. Tutor

We are often asked to distinguish between academic coaching and tutoring, so here is an explanation.

Your student is struggling to succeed in school. Should you hire an academic tutor or an academic coach? What’s the difference between the two? While both tutors and coaches can be teachers with plenty of experience, there are differences between the two services they provide. Tutoring tends to focus on satisfying an immediate need, usually pertaining to specific subject content or assignment. If your student is struggling to master content in a statistics course, a tutor would be a good fit. Tutors are not necessarily trained to help students who have learning disabilities, ADHD, or other diagnoses that impact their academic success. If your child does have a formal diagnosis, or is struggling to succeed in school, an academic coach may be better suited to help.

Coaches work with students to establish foundational skills upon which they can build and apply across the course of their academic careers and across multiple subject areas. They customize their approach to help students with organizational and time management skills, self-advocacy and accountability, test-taking and study skills, among others. Their work with the student tends to be comprehensive in nature and includes the use of collaboration with teachers and parents to further support the student’s success. Furthermore, coaches can advise parents about other resources including but not limited to psychoeducational evaluations, IEP and 504 accommodations, mental health providers, and other resources.

Academic Coaching

Finding success in school does not need to be stressful. With guidance, you will learn to identify and utilize your strengths to empower you to become the best student you can be. Whether you are in elementary school, high school, college, or a graduate school program, we will work together to help you succeed.

Services Include:

  • Customized plan created, based on student’s academic history and learning style
  • Educational profile developed
  • Establish plan to build confidence and self-sufficiency
  • Develop problem-solving strategies for obstacles that may arise
  • Work collaboratively with parents, teachers, tutors, psychologists, and psychiatrists involved in student’s care
  • Consistent monitoring of progress and accountability
A man is teaching a class of students in a classroom.
A group of people in a classroom.

College Admissions Consulting

The process of finding the right college is about more than choosing a prestigious institution. It is an opportunity to learn about yourself. Discover your passions, interests, and strengths as you embark on this life-altering journey. Learn which colleges best meet your individual needs. Engaging in this process will lead to your personal and academic success, regardless of your course rigor.

Addressing a wide variety of student needs, including students who have learning differences. Support for students before, during and after the college admissions process.

Services Include:

  • Establish student’s academic, social, and emotional needs and abilities
  • Advice about high school class selection, extracurricular activities, and summer options in order to meet college requirements
  • Compile “best fit” college options
  • Advice about securing necessary support services and accommodations in order to ensure personal and academic success
  • Create personalized “to do” list to ensure student submits all materials in a timely way
  • Preparation for maximizing campus visits in order to establish valuable relationships with Admissions counselors
  • Assist drafting, editing, and organization of essays and personal statements to ensure they represent the student in the best light and to streamline the number of essays the student needs to write
  • Interview preparation
  • Assist with final college selection
  • Identify financial aid opportunities
  • Follow up for one year after student begins college

Transition to College

Making the transition to college is not always easy. Striking a balance between educational obligations and social and extra-curricular obligations can be challenging. College is an entirely different experience from high school and increasingly, we are seeing a number of students who need help adjusting to this new environment. We work with you to help establish time management, self-advocacy, work initiation, writing, and study skills so that you can more successfully navigate the rigors of college life. In this capacity, we are able to meet either in person or virtually, making our services optimally user-friendly for the busy college coed.

Services include:

  • Learn to navigate college online portals
  • Effectively advocate for yourself with your peers and professors
  • Strike a work-life balance
  • Navigate living with a suite or roommates
  • Take responsibility for self-care

Adults with ADD

Whether you were just recently diagnosed with ADD or if you have known it all of your life, this disorder can prove challenging to even the most motivated and driven adults. We will work with you to identify your goals and create a comprehensive program to help you meet your objectives and put order back into your life.

Summer of Enrichment

Every summer, AcademicAlly, LLC launches our Summer of Enrichment. We are offering students in grades 2-12, college, and graduate school customized programs to bridge gaps and prepare them for the fall. We are focused on the areas listed below.

Organizational Skills

  • Establish time management strategies to better organize academic and personal responsibilities

  • Manage long-term assignments more effectively

  • Implement a system to effectively access, submit, and store assignments in a digital format

  • Learn techniques and tools to organize personal space and belongings

  • Establishment and maintenance of a homework protocol


  • Learn to recognize when help is needed

  • Identify appropriate candidates who can assist

  • Determine a course of action to communicate the need for help

  • Ensure the information needed was received

A pair of sunglasses on a wooden deck overlooking the ocean.

Writing Skills

  • Develop writing skills needed for creating a comprehensive paper including pre-writing to organize thoughts and flow of a written piece

  • Fine-tune editing skills, being mindful of proper punctuation and grammar

  • Understand how to effectively conduct research using key search words and appropriate resources, guided by strong essential questions

Reading Comprehension

  • Learn to identify and record important information
  • Create a personalized system for organizing facts from the reading.
  • Learn to effectively research sources for research-based assignments
  • Utilize strategies to break down readings into smaller more manageable chunks

Math Skills

  • Assistance in all levels of math up through Calculus

Science Skills

  • Whether you are taking biology, chemistry, or physics, we can help you master this material

College Admissions Consulting

  • Assistance with creating appropriate list of colleges to which to apply

  • Brainstorming and editing college essays

  • Admissions interview preparation

  • Strategies to maximize college visits

  • Knowledge about the changing landscape of college admissions in the face of COVID 19

We work with you to customize a plan to ensure your student’s success. Spaces are filled on a first-come first-served basis. Act now while space is available.