Silhouetted figure celebrating success at a desk next to the word "academically.

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Here's the Thing Blog

Students week planner sheet with rows and columns

The Assignment Book: Your Lifeline to Success

By AcademicAlly | November 8, 2022

“The assignment book has become a contentious
topic of conversation between parents and their students.
Here are some suggestions to ensure you identify the
homework tracking tool that’s best for you.”

Ready set go with a man jumping


By AcademicAlly | October 20, 2022

“Initiating an assignment is often more difficult than the assignment itself. Understanding the struggle behind initiation can lead to personal growth and academic success.”

Initiation of Work

By AcademicAlly | October 20, 2022

Initiation of Work: Stuck in Park with Nowhere to Go We all know that familiar dialogue that takes place about homework:  Parent: “Do you have any homework tonight?” Student: “Yeah, I have to write my rough draft for my research paper.” Parent: “Sounds like a big assignment!” Student: “Nah, it’s all good. I got it.”…

Learning is not just for school written on wooden slate

Academic Coaching Versus Tutoring: Understanding the Differences

By AcademicAlly | October 13, 2022

When considering the type of help your student would benefit from, there are many options. Two of the most common resources are academic tutors and coaches. While both experts provide academic support, there are some key nuances between the two professions. Academic tutors and coaches both come with educational backgrounds; usually experienced teachers with extensive…

Four girls with Halloween pumpkin faces

Scary Mistakes Students Make in School

By AcademicAlly | October 5, 2022

Since Halloween is around the corner, we figured it would be helpful to try and decrease the fright of the season by identifying some typical scary mistakes students make in school. Waiting until the last minute: don’t wait until the last minute to get your work done. Procrastination leads to unnecessary stress and disaster. It…


504 Academic coach Accountability adapt adaptability Addictive ADHD Advocate Alarm Clock alarms Ambient Noise anticipation Anxiety Applications Ask for help assignment book Assignments behavior Benefits of social media Be prepared Be Present Boredom Boundaries bridge the gap calendar Campus Resources careless errors Cellphone Challenges check for accuracy Checklists chunking collaboration College color-coding Common App Communication Confidence connect Consistent daily assignments Deadlines Depression Desk Device-free zones digital Digital devices Digital footprint Distractions Downtime Drink due dates Eat eating Eliminate distractions emotional stability Emotional Support Emotional wellbeing Endurance energy Essays Executive function skills Exercise Expectations experience Extra-Curricular Activities Feedback Feelings Focus Focus in the classroom FOMO Friend Fun Goals Grades gratitude Grounding growth Habits hard copy Health Helicopter-Parenting Holistic homework IEP Impulsivity Incorporate breaks increased confidence Independence Information initiation Inner Critic inspiration Laugh Listen Long-term assignments Love Major Map Out Your Route Measurable Goals meet Mental Health Mindfulness Mindset Mind shift Motivation Movement Network New Year note-taking Notes obstacles Online portal Online predator on time Organization Paper Parenting Participate participate in class discussions Perfectionism Plan Plan Ahead Planner plan of action Plan out your work Poor sleep positivity practical assistance Presentations Pressure prevent mistakes proactivity problem-solving Problem solving procrastination Productivity Project reduced stress Reflect reframing reminders Requirements resilience Resources Reward Risky Behavior Rule of Three Safety Seating Self-Advocac Self-Advocacy self-advocate Self-Care self-reflection Separate work and play Signs of Struggle Sleep sleep hygeine Sleep Hygiene Snacks Social interactions Social Media Social media plan Standards Stay up to date Storytelling Strategize stress stress-management Structure Submarine Parenting Submit Succeed Success support network Surgeon General Take Notes Take your time Talk Task Management Teacher teachers Team Technology Threshold for frustration Time Blindness Time Management Time parameters Timers Tutor Uniformity Vacation vulnerable Wait until the last minute Water well-being Wiggles Winter Break Workspace