Silhouetted figure celebrating success at a desk next to the word "academically.

academic coaching | college admissions

Here's the Thing Blog

Blurred text with the word "focus" in clear view at the center, creating an optical illusion effect.

Want to Find Focus While You Do Your Homework? Try These Attention-Grabbing Ideas!

By AcademicAlly, LLC | February 12, 2024

You made it! Another day of school is behind you, and all you can think about is hopping onto a round of Fortnite with your friends or an exhilarating conversation on Snapchat. You bound into the house through the front door, grab a snack, and just as you are about to plant your can on…

Hand holding a magnifying glass with the word "focus" visible through the lens.

Trying to Stay Focused in Class, but Not Succeeding? Try These 6 Surefire Focus Tips

By AcademicAlly, LLC | February 6, 2024

Picture this: You are sitting in class; it’s 1:15pm, and the minutes are just creeping by at a snail’s pace. Your foot starts to bounce, creating an undeniable regular tap-tap-tap from your direction. Your tush can’t sit still and begins to slide back and forth, which then invites your arms to join this quick restless…

Graphic depicting an online college portal with icons for login, study materials, and student support.

Using the Power of Technology: 6 Common Sense Strategies Colleges Can Implement to Empower Students 

By AcademicAlly | January 23, 2024

College is like an amusement park. There are so many different rides and experiences to explore and barely enough time to get it all done. The social network is busted wide open with a whole new array of prospective acquaintances and friends to choose from. Vendors utilize enticing marketing to draw their new customers to…

Two arrows pointing in opposite directions with the words "play" under a palm tree icon to the left and "work" to the right, suggesting a choice between leisure and labor.

Looking for Personal Success? 5 Reasons Why Separating Work and Play Spaces Improves Productivity

By AcademicAlly, LLC | January 23, 2024

In a land, not so far away, there once lived a student who thought his desk was a hybrid mix of a pop-up amusement park and a wild, west showdown. Spoiler alert: the ADHD villains arrived at the scene, wreaking havoc on the area, and the student’s learning rode off into the sunset. Enter the…

Three hand gestures against an orange background depicting the numbers 1, 2, and 3 with fingers.

Are You Looking for Ways to Improve Your Productivity? Try Incorporating the Rule of Three into Your Daily Routine

By AcademicAlly | January 15, 2024

The number three is significant. There are the Three Amigos, Bee Gees, Three Musketeers, Jonas Brothers, Three’s Company, and Alvin and the Chipmunks, just to name a few. In sports we have three strikes and you’re out, three-peats, the Big Three, triathlons, 3-and-0, and Three and Out.  Did you know that the number three can…

Person standing with arms outstretched on a mountain viewpoint above the clouds.

From Base Camp to Victory: 5 Strategies for Conquering Your Personal Mountain

By AcademicAlly | January 8, 2024

With the arrival of a new year, we tend to pause and reflect on the past year-what did we do well, and how do we capitalize on these successes? Where did we fall short, and what steps can we take so we can grow from these disappointments? These periods of personal reflection are critical to…

5 Simple Ways Free Time with white background

5 Simple Ways Your Children Can Find and Feel Comfortable with Free Time

By AcademicAlly | December 12, 2023

Remember the “old days”? You know, when kids played outside, computers came in the form of futuristic androids like R2D2 and C3PO, and free time wasn’t so much of a luxury as it was an integral part of the day? Yes, there were ballet classes to run to, soccer practices and games, Boy Scouts and…

ADHD Friendly man walking on a road with trees on both side

Want to Have a Peaceful Winter Break?Try These ADHD-Friendly Strategies

By AcademicAlly | December 6, 2023

Winter is right around the corner, and even though they just enjoyed first long respite from school that comes with Thanksgiving weekend, it’s highly likely that your kids are already counting down the days until winter break arrives. This time of year brings with it a mix of emotions. There’s no school! Need I say…

A lot of gifts kept together with blue background

5 Lessons I Have Learned as an Academic Coach

By AcademicAlly | November 29, 2023

Kids are the best; there is just no refuting this fact. Every day, I am reminded of how amazing these young people are when I interact with them at my job, and after each session, I walk away feeling grateful for the opportunity to work with these amazing human beings who, as far as I…

A family is sitting on a couch watching tv.

5 Simple Ways to Establish a Solid Relationship with Your Children

By AcademicAlly | November 20, 2023

Do you ever feel like you just can’t say the right thing to your kid? Say one thing, and you’re being too nosey. Say another, and suddenly you’re too serious. And you can forget about the dumb wanna-be-cool-parent jokes….that’s the premiere way to publicly humiliate Junior! Parents have a lot of competition these days, and…


504 Academic coach Accountability adapt adaptability Addictive ADHD Advocate Alarm Clock alarms Ambient Noise anticipation Anxiety Applications Ask for help assignment book Assignments Benefits of social media Be prepared Be Present Boredom Boundaries bridge the gap calendar Campus Resources careless errors Cellphone Challenges check for accuracy Checklists chunking collaboration College color-coding Common App Communication Confidence connect Consistent creativity daily assignments Deadlines Depression Desk Device-free zones digital Digital devices Digital footprint Distractions Downtime Drink due dates Eat eating Eliminate distractions emotional stability Emotional Support Emotional wellbeing Endurance energy Essays Executive function skills Exercise Expectations experience Extra-Curricular Activities Feedback Feelings Focus Focus in the classroom FOMO Friend Fun Goals Grades gratitude Grounding growth Habits hard copy Health Helicopter-Parenting Holistic homework IEP Impulsivity Incorporate breaks increased confidence Independence Information initiation Inner Critic inspiration Laugh Listen Long-term assignments Love Major Map Out Your Route Measurable Goals meet Mental Health Mindfulness Mindset Mind shift Motivation Movement Network New Year note-taking Notes obstacles Online portal Online predator on time Organization Paper Parenting Participate participate in class discussions Perfectionism Plan Plan Ahead Planner plan of action Plan out your work Poor sleep positivity practical assistance Presentations Pressure prevent mistakes proactivity problem-solving Problem solving procrastination Productivity Project reduced stress Reflect reframing reminders Requirements resilience Resources Reward Risky Behavior Rule of Three Safety Seating Self-Advocac Self-Advocacy self-advocate Self-Care self-reflection Separate work and play Signs of Struggle Sleep sleep hygeine Sleep Hygiene Snacks Social interactions Social Media Social media plan Standards Stay up to date Storytelling Strategize stress stress-management Structure Submarine Parenting Submit Succeed Success support network Surgeon General Take Notes Take your time Talk Task Management Teacher teachers Team Technology Threshold for frustration Time Blindness Time Management Time parameters Timers Tutor Uniformity Vacation vulnerable Wait until the last minute Water well-being Wiggles Winter Break Workspace