How to Advocate for Yourself Effectively and With Confidence

Wooden blocks spelling "ask for help"

AcademicAlly, LLC has dubbed the month of May, “Mayke It Happen”. This is the final of four editions that provides insider tips to end-of-the-year success. You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach when something just doesn’t feel right? The one that tells you the assignment you are about to embark on is…

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5 Lessons I Have Learned as an Academic Coach

A lot of gifts kept together with blue background

Kids are the best; there is just no refuting this fact. Every day, I am reminded of how amazing these young people are when I interact with them at my job, and after each session, I walk away feeling grateful for the opportunity to work with these amazing human beings who, as far as I…

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5 Simple Ways to Establish a Solid Relationship with Your Children

A family is sitting on a couch watching tv.

Do you ever feel like you just can’t say the right thing to your kid? Say one thing, and you’re being too nosey. Say another, and suddenly you’re too serious. And you can forget about the dumb wanna-be-cool-parent jokes….that’s the premiere way to publicly humiliate Junior! Parents have a lot of competition these days, and…

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Parenting is Hard in the 21st Century

A man and a child reading a book on a couch.

I think we would all agree that, under the best of circumstances, parenting is not for the faint of heart. Just managing the logistics of raising children is a challenge in and of itself. Coordinating mealtimes, while simultaneously satisfying everyone’s gustatory preferences is worthy of a Nobel Prize. This doesn’t even take into account finding…

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How to Use Social Media Without Eliminating the Fun

How to Use Social Media Without Eliminating the Fun

Every family is different, and every individual is unique, so the parameters and rules that are put in place about what users have access to and how much time is spent on social media must reflect these nuances accordingly. The best piece of advice? Families must work together to establish and implement an appropriate social…

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