The Very Complicated Relationship Between ADHD and Social Media

The Very Complicated Relationship Between ADHD and Social Media

Social media is an exciting virtual playground, where users can explore new ideas, visit chatrooms with people who share the same passions, interests, and beliefs, and obtain answers to burning questions. Not surprisingly, this communication tool also brings with it many challenges, chief among which include concerns about predators, addiction to screens, and disruption of…

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Ready set go with a man jumping

“Initiating an assignment is often more difficult than the assignment itself. Understanding the struggle behind initiation can lead to personal growth and academic success.”

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Initiation of Work

Initiation of Work: Stuck in Park with Nowhere to Go We all know that familiar dialogue that takes place about homework:  Parent: “Do you have any homework tonight?” Student: “Yeah, I have to write my rough draft for my research paper.” Parent: “Sounds like a big assignment!” Student: “Nah, it’s all good. I got it.”…

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Academic Coaching Versus Tutoring: Understanding the Differences

Learning is not just for school written on wooden slate

When considering the type of help your student would benefit from, there are many options. Two of the most common resources are academic tutors and coaches. While both experts provide academic support, there are some key nuances between the two professions. Academic tutors and coaches both come with educational backgrounds; usually experienced teachers with extensive…

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Scary Mistakes Students Make in School

Four girls with Halloween pumpkin faces

Since Halloween is around the corner, we figured it would be helpful to try and decrease the fright of the season by identifying some typical scary mistakes students make in school. Waiting until the last minute: don’t wait until the last minute to get your work done. Procrastination leads to unnecessary stress and disaster. It…

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The College Road Trip: It is a Trip!

College…road…trip… three words, that when combined provoke a mix of conflicting emotions. In the 2008 movie, “College Road Trip,” starring Raven Symone’ and Martin Lawrence, the trials and rewards of this fast developing phenomenon are humorously explored. Lawrence wrestles with his desire to keep his baby girl close to home while Symone’ struggles to break…

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