Scary Mistakes Students Make in School
Since Halloween is around the corner, we figured it would be helpful to try and decrease the fright of the season by identifying some typical scary mistakes students make in school.
Waiting until the last minute:
don’t wait until the last minute to get your work done. Procrastination leads to unnecessary stress and disaster. It will only add up and lead to a hauntingly unpleasant evening the night before the assignment is due. Break long-term assignments down into smaller chunks and calendar them in your planner. These chunks need to be treated like your daily assignments: complete them when you assign them to yourself and check them off when completed.
Failing to ask for help:
knowing when you need help and whom to ask are key steps to success. Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask a teacher, trusted adult, or friend for help. Asking for assistance is a sign of strength because it shows you have the know-how and the courage to ask for help. BONUS: teachers like it when their students ask for help because this demonstrates you take your performance and their classes seriously-plus it gives them the opportunity to spout about their favorite subjects!
Winging it:
bats can wing it better than we can! Plan out your work and studies so your finished product is one that meets the requirements and leaves you feeling proud.
Sloppy seconds:
neatness counts! Take your time and make sure your work is legible and well edited. While it may be tempting to just hand in your assignment as soon as you complete it, does it make sense to put all of that effort in, only to lose points on careless errors?!
Assume the teacher doesn’t care:
most teachers are absolutely committed to the success of their students. Be a strong self-advocate: know what your questions are and who you should ask. Bring in a list of inquiries if you have more than one question. Go in early or stay late but get the help you need. You may even discover during these one-one-one meetings that you and the teacher have a lot more in common than you thought you did!
Failing to take notes:
yes, it may seem like a tedious step, but note-taking is another way to process information so that you can better process and remember what you are reading and hearing. Research has shown that handwritten notes are an effective way to understand and retain material. Ultimately, taking this step may save you from having to review the material, thus saving you time and energy!
Thinking you are alone:
you are not alone. You have teachers, counselors, principals, friends, academic and sports coaches who care about you. If you are in trouble or feel lost, depressed, or upset, please let someone know so we can help you.